Privacy notice and terms of use


You are visiting the website of Turvac d.o.o., Primorska cesta 6b, 3325 Šoštanj, Slovenia, registered under number 7020333000, VAT number SI 26824060 (further “Turvac”).

By visiting this website, you acknowledge that that you have read, understood and accepted these terms of use.


Privacy notice

This notice concerns personal data which Turvac collects and uses.

Turvac is committed to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. Below, we provide in a nutshell what this means for you.

Turvac may collect your personal data

Personal data are data which allow us to identify you as an individual, like your name, address, phone number. On the other hand, anonymized data are not personal data because they do not identify you, for example: statistics regarding the number of visitors to our webpages.

You can visit our website without providing any personal data.

Turvac uses your personal data

We limit our processing of personal information to what is necessary for the intended purpose (eg. to fulfill our contractual obligations towards you, to comply with legal obligations…) or for the purpose for which you provided consent (eg. receiving a newsletter, providing you with information you requested…). We do not collect sensitive personal information (as defined by EU Regulation 2016/679) from you without first obtaining your explicit consent.

We may share your information:

  • With selected business partners, but only after you have explicitly provided your consent.
  • With external service providers who perform certain services on Turvac’s behalf, such as an agency which will deliver your order to your address or which sends out newsletters for us.

We may transfer your data within Recticel Group or Turna Group or a third party established outside of the EEA. If we do, we implement personal data transfer agreements based on the standard clauses published by the European Commission to protect your personal data. 

Your Rights

If you are a resident in the European Economic Area, you have the right to: (a) access your personal data; (b) request rectification of your personal data; (c) request portability of your personal data; (d) request restriction of processing of your personal data; (e) object to the processing of your personal data; (f) request erasure of your personal data; (g) request cancellation of your personal data; and (h) if you have provided your consent to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

To exercise any of your rights, please contact us as set out below in the “Contact” section.

Turvac preserves your data

We will keep and process your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes for which we received your personal data, taking into account our possible legal and contractual obligations towards you. 

If the legal basis for processing is your explicit consent, we will keep and process your personal data for a maximum period of 2 (two) years. When we provide you the opportunity to unsubscribe, and you choose not to, the period of 2 (two) years is calculated from the date we offered you to unsubscribe.

During the time that we keep your personal data, we will take the technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security to protect them.

Links to Third-Party Sites and Social Media

Turvac sites may include links to third party sites. When you use these links, you leave our website. Turvac shall not be held liable for the data processing via a third party site. We encourage you to read the privacy notice of every site you visit.


If you have any questions regarding this website or how we respect your right to privacy, please contact us via mail to Turvac d.o.o., Primorska cesta 6b, 3325 Šoštanj, Slovenia or via email on

If you do not receive an adequate answer from us, you have the possibility to file a complaint to Slovenian data protection authority, Information Commissioner, which is responsible for overseeing the enforcement of data protection legislation in Slovenia, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Slovenian Data Protection Act (ZVOP-2). All information are available on their website: Uvodna stran - IPRS (


Terms of use 


Via this website, Turvac informs you about our organisation and the products and services we offer. Turvac reserves the right to modify this website and all of its content at any time without prior notification. Care has been taken to ensure that the content of this web site is as accurate as possible. However, Turvac does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or appropriateness for any purpose of the information. This website may contain links to external websites. When you use these links, you leave our website. Even though Turvac itself may have created or authorised the link, this does not imply that Turvac approves the content of the external websites or endorses the third party. Turvac has no control over the contents of the linked websites and is not responsible for them. Turvac does not accept liability for the third party websites, their content or functionalities.

Intellectual Property

This website and its components (text, logos, brands, trade names, layout, images, photos, videos, graphics and other components appearing on the site) are protected by intellectual property rights. Turvac prohibits you from using, reproducing, displaying, making public, deleting, adapting, etc.,  any of these components, even partially or in a modified form, by any means, without having first obtained the express permission of Turvac in writing.


Turvac may not be held liable for damage of any kind arising from your use of this website (e.g. computer viruses, corrupted files, loss of programs or other data, indirect damage, profit loss, etc.). Furthermore, Turvac may not be held liable for service interruptions of any kind whatsoever or for any damage arising from these interruptions.

Applicable law

This website is governed by the Laws of Slovenia without regard to any conflict of laws provisions. All disputes in relation to this website, fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Slovenia. 


The Privacy Notice and terms of use on this Website are in force from May 6, 2024 and can be changed or amended at any time.